We hate to say this about designer replica handbags, but…
By the time most people make it to our post, their minds are already corrupted with non-sense and pollution. When it comes to fake designer handbags, our clients aren’t better or smarter than anyone else out there, but we do think that they’re more informed.
Because they’ve have made their fair share of mistakes. They’ve had their fair share of trial and error in the handbag world.
Unfortunately, it is not most people’s fault that their minds were corrupted and polluted. The rise of online retail has just opened the doors scammers. There are now tons of cheap, fake designer handbags scams out there.
And, purchasing one of these less than quality bags can really skew someone’s opinion about the knock off-world.
Trust us, we get it.
Our clients have been down that road more times than they’d like to admit. In either case, they’re just thankful they were passionate enough to stay in the game. There are replica handbags out there that are quality made. They are worth more than what you actually pay for them.
In fact, they are pretty much replicas of top names in the fashion industry. Not only do they have the same logos and stitching, but our bags are almost identical right down to the very insides.
Due to all the scammers and cheap replicas available today there are a lot of misconceptions about the knock off handbag world.
And we’re here today to debunk these misconceptions. But, if you haven’t already, be sure to check our article on must-know information about the cheap replica handbag realm.
Since most top designers come out of Europe and Italy it only makes sense that the best replicas would also come from the same place.
No, not true at all!
The real truth of the matter is that most of the best replicas in the world actually come from the east. As far east as Asia. If you want to get even more specific then China would be your location.
Since Europe, specifically Italy, is one of the biggest producers of all things fashion it would be almost impossible to run a legit wholesale replica handbag business without potentially getting caught.
The odds would be much higher and this is why most manufacturers come from the far east. Unfortunately, this is one myth that has filled a lot of people’s heads and strayed them in the wrong direction.
If your handbag didn’t come from Europe or Italy it does not necessarily mean that it is junk, cheap, or trash. Hell, if the bag looks great and feels great to you then why does it matter where it came from?
It shouldn’t, and, to our clients, it doesn’t.
Chances are if you have handbags that you like and feel great then your Louis Vuitton replica bags probably came right from Asia.
This statement should really be debunked all by itself.
We don’t even know how this became such a popular myth.
If all handbags were the same then they would feel the same, appear the same, and sell for the same price.
You don’t need us or another fashion expert to tell you that this simply isn’t the case at all. This would defeat the purpose of fashion altogether.
You need a different bag for every different look. Not everyone crafts designer replica handbags equally, and if you have faced a scam a time or two then you know this to be truer than most.
This myth really just debunks itself.
Most people think someone scammed them because their replica doesn’t look exactly like the original design.
It doesn’t matter where you shop or how much you pay, you simply are not going to get a replica that matches the original design right down to the letter.
Yes, they should be so similar that it would be hard for the average eye to tell them apart, but when looking behind the curtains, you should find at least a 1 to 5 percent difference.
And, this is okay.
It doesn’t mean that you’re a fool, or you just overpaid for a cheap piece of crap. No, every fashion expert out there knows that the 100 percent perfect knock off doesn’t exist.
Anyone that tells you any different is simply just lying to you. As we said, do not worry about the 1 to 5 percent difference because it will be so hard to tell that each bag will also be indistinguishable.
This is of course if you bought from a reputable vendor with a passion for handbags.
Oh, if you believe this then you’re already lost.
Luckily, there’s still redemption for you. Don’t let anyone lie to you because there is always a risk when shopping online.
This is especially true if you are going into the market as an uninformed shopper. And, this is just one of the many reasons that people have had so many bad experiences with these handbags.
Our clients, by no means, omit themselves. They’ve had bad experiences with other sellers, and it was because they were uninformed shoppers.
However, once they took the time to do their research, they learned to spot scams right away. They taught themselves to look at each individual handbag and discern whether or not it was worth the asking price or not. Most vendors are pretty open with their pictures and information, even the scammers.
As long as you know how to spot a worthless or cheap knock off, then you shouldn’t have a problem in the world deciding, let alone worrying about facing a scam.
Just because you’re shopping from a trusted seller doesn’t necessarily mean that you are getting a quality product.
There are tons of fake reviews out there and there are tons of uninformed shoppers.
Of course, you always want to shop with a trustworthy vendor, but this does not guarantee that you are going to get quality.
The real difference between a good vendor and a bad one is that the best ones are willing to recognize when they make mistakes, and they are will be willing to do whatever it takes to rectify the situation.